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Pandas in the mist

​Adapted from the comic strip “Pandas dans la mist” by Tignous published by Glénat

Seasons 1, 2 and 3

A panda is cute. It eats bamboo, it’s easy-going, it’s the symbol of the WWF, it’s not just for children and it’s very telegenic. The problem is that there are only 1,600 left and they don't know how to fight against their disappearance...

Duration / 75 x 2 minutes

Year /2018-2021

Directors / Thierry Garance and Juan Rodriguez

Literary Bible/ Thierry Garance and Juan Rodriguez

Graphic Bible/ Thierry Garance and Juan Rodriguez

Scenario / François Rollin, François Morel

Co-production /Vivifilm

Broadcasters / France 5 - LCP - BipTV - TV5MONDE

Partners / CNC-FAIA (pilot), CNC(production), Occitanie region, Procirep/Angoa, Screen Brussels, Tax shelter

Pandas dans la brume
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